Machine Learning Tools-1
A Linear Regression Example, Linear Regression Least Squares Gradient Descent, Generalized Function for Linear Regression, Bias-Variance Trade Off, Gradient Descent Algorithms, Stochastic gradient descent, Batch Gradient descent. Learning rate, Multi-dimensional linear regression, Minimum square error, least square error, Absolute error.
Classification Techniques
Logistic Regression, Binary Entropy cost function, OR Gate Via Classification, NOR, AND, NAND Gates, XOR Gate, Differentiating the sigmoid, Gradient of logistic, regression, Multinomial Classification- Introduction, Multinomial Classification - One Hot Vector, Multinomial Classification – Softmax, Schematic of multinomial logistic regression, Various decision boundaries and their differentiation
Artificial Neural Networks
Multilayer Perceptron Neuron: Introduction, Model, Learning, Evaluation, Geometry Basics, Geometric Interpretation, Perceptron: Learning - General Recipe, Learning Algorithm, Perceptron: Learning - Why it Works?, Perceptron: Learning - Will it Always Work?, Perceptron: Evaluation, A simple deep neural network, A generic deep neural network, Understanding the computations in a deep neural network, The output layer of a deep neural network, Output layer of a multi-class classification problem, How do you choose the right network configuration, Loss function for binary classification, Learning Algorithm (non-mathy version),
Operation on Different Machine Learning Tools
Support Vector machine, Radial Basis function, K-Nearest neighbours, Self-Organising Map, Naïve Bayes, MLE Intro, and Principal Component Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition.
Convolution Neural Networks
The convolution operation, Relation between input size, output size and filter size, Convolutional Neural Networks, CNNs (success stories on ImageNet), Image Classification continued (GoogLeNet and ResNet), Visualizing patches which maximally activate a neuron, Visualizing filters of a CNN, Occlusion experiments, Finding influence of input pixels using backpropagation, Guided Backpropagation, Optimization over images, Create images from embedding, Deep Dream, Deep Art, Fooling Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Machine Learning